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Eastdale Mall
1000 Eastdale Mall
Montgomery, Alabama 36117
(334) 277‑7380

Richard Holman
General Manager

The Mall Office is open Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm.

Eastdale Mall Parental Escort Policy
Fridays and Saturdays 6 p.m. until close

1. Eastdale Mall visitors 17 years of age or younger are required to be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times on Friday and Saturday evenings after 6 p.m.

2. Security will begin monitoring those entering the property at 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturdays.

3. Unescorted youth shopping prior to 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturday evenings must leave the property by 6 p.m. or be joined by a parent or guardian.

4. Unescorted youth will be asked to leave the property after 6 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.

5. Individuals without personal transportation on Friday or Saturday night must schedule their departure time to ensure compliance with the Parental Escort Policy.

6. Any person violating the posted Parental Escort Policy or Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the property.

7. Individuals in violation of the Parental Escort Policy or the Code of Conduct who refuse to leave the property when requested to do so by mall security officers may be prosecuted for trespassing.

8. Proof of age will be required. Those whose age cannot be determined and who lack identification will be asked to leave the property.

9. Anyone entering the property should be prepared to show valid identification (with a picture and date of birth). Acceptable identification includes a driver’s license, state or military identification card, passport or visa.

10. Youth 17 years of age or younger working on property will be allowed access without a parent or guardian. Proof of work status will be required, and youth employees must go directly to the place of employment and must leave the property at the conclusion of their work shift on Friday and/or Saturday evenings.

11. One parent, 21 years of age or older, may escort all of his/her children. Additionally, one parent or guardian 21 years of age or older may escort up to 3 youths, at least one of which must be the child of the parent or guardian.

12. Parents or guardians are accountable for the actions of the youth they escort.

13. If an escorted youth is banned from the center, the adult escort will also be banned for the same time.

14. Security personnel have the authority to enforce this policy and related procedures.

15. Eastdale Mall Parental Escort Policy is posted at all mall entrances.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Effective April 26, 2013

Mall Hours
  •  –⁠  –⁠ 
  • Sun:  –⁠ 
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